Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Heart Broken

Im devastated, heartbroken and have been mourning since yday. The loss is irreplaceable. Things are going wrong…for my shoes..I have broken 2 shoes this year…two of my favorite ones…Jordan Retro series and And 1 shoes(my super favorite)…. I can’t seem to get over the fact that I won’t be able to play in them anymore L. Im depressed ..so depressed that I cant concentrate on anything….

People who know me would know how crazy I am for sneakers and would know what this loss means to me.

Don’t sympathize with me….don’t tell me “ I know how it feels”… cuz you don’t…you know what..”RETAIL THERAPY” always works…be it a guy or a girl….it works…so if you want to help me, please order any of these for me L *makes a cute boo boo face* ..remember im US-15/UK-14 size.





Anonymous said...

I believe I already sent my contribution.... WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Kani said...

U get that lappie fr me.. and i get the shoes for u :D
Sauda Khara Khara ;)