Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well they normally say that whatever you do/dont-do on the first day of the year, chances are you will do/dont-do those things the entire year

So if that was to be then i guess

  • I would be taking over the chefs hat from my wife this year, since i cooked dinner (READ MACARONI) last night.

  • I would be starving for a good Indian meal all year?????

  • I would have to spend more on Deo's and colognes since i didnt took a shower all day yday (but hey i will save some water for my fellow countrymen)

  • I didnt brushed my teeth yday (Do i really want to mention this? eeeeeeeew!!!!) so i will b eating more gums and spending more on chlormint and wrigleys(my bail-out package for US based, Recession feared companies)

But behind some stinking and disgusting facts , i did controlled some urges and saves certain resolutions from getting broken *Smirk*

  • Fought and conquered the urge of having a beer and certainly saved myself the disgrace of breaking my resolutions on the very first day (statistically that comes upto 16.66% of my Resolution list)
  • Fought the urge of having some chicken wings with home made mint sauce *slurp* (againt 16.66% of my Resolution list)
  • Offered to take my wife out to some new places (was shot down on all the occasions though)
  • Called my friends and family and wished them Happy New Year.

So all in all an okish/normal/regular/mundane day to start the year...Guess will wait for the other 364 days

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