Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Clown makes everyone tickle BUT......
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hungry Again!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Its Over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get ran over by a bus while waiting at a traffic signal and get my car damaged in the process(yea…AGAIN), One of my younger cousins(just 21 in age) dies in an accident and then when I want to be at his funeral I miss my flight…talk about the mental stress levels.
What had I done to deserve this??? Whats the bright side of this??? Whats the positive out of this??? What lessons do I learn from all this??
All this ,indeed, has made me learn one thing, that there is no God. Destiny drives everything. Cuz if he was there, he surely would have listened to prayers of thousands of his college mates, he would have listened to prayers of a mother who hadnt seen his son for past 4 months, he would have listened to prayers of those who knew him as friend…but he remained unmoved..he did wat he wanted to do…is that GOD?? Or is that destiny fucking around with you???? I don’t know and I don’t want to know..all I knw is that if something is going to happen, it will happen. Praying to anyone wont help for sure.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Acquired!!!!Tally goes to 14

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
God Bless you??!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?
“…There is a lesson to be learnt from everything…” said my mom after hearing that I had met with an accident.
But I don’t think there were any lessons to be learned from this one. Waiting at a traffic signal for the light to go green and u get rammed by a truck..I don’t think so.
Situations like these would either make an atheist start believing in God or would make a theist question his morals.
This made me wonder…Why do we believe in god?? I know im gonna ruffle some feathers with this but I cant help question your beliefs..and mind you its not to offend anyone of you. The selfish person that I am,i'm doing this just for me....maybe im trying to strengthen my belief cuz off late Ive had started questioning certain things.
I also spoke to one of my close friend, Mr. wiki (cuz most of the times he would have answer to all ur questions) and this is what he had to tell me.
“When we are a kid, we have someone who would make decisions for the family. And quite often we trust his instincts and go by his word. But when WE get to be a decision maker we sometimes hesitate cuz quite frankly things are always not a shade of black or white. The thoughts of the aftermath or repercussions sometimes makes us weak and thats when we turn to someone superior, someone who we think would have answers to all the questions and hence pray”
This easily explains as to why, most of the, people pray in tough times. But why do we pray in normal times…like good time, bad time we have something called normal time..where things are just on track …you ofcourse would want more out of them bt at that point u r ok (may or may not be happy) with how things are shaping…so why do we pray??
I asked couple of my friends and 90% of the people replied me saying they pray for well being of their loved ones. Hope is what drives them, hope that the prayers will keep there loved ones safe. The other 10% said that they pray for things to be better or things to be done ‘their’ way.
So my next question was …”how does fate/destiny fit into this”....i mean on one side we say that things are destined to happen and the ever so famous “honi ko kaun taal sakta hai”…….so if something is destined and is already planned then do u think praying to god would help??? I mean the cast is already set..isnt it?? He has already decided how ur life would be shaped…you are doing what he wants you to do…you are just enacting …aint that right???
Now some people also pray to seek forgiveness for the sins that they have commited???? But werent those planned as well??? And even if they werent then why would you seek forgiveness ??To get an entry into Heaven??? Something that nobody has seen?? Something that can be classified as ‘fictional’. Or to have longer life??? But if that was the case then all the saints would have lived forever …pope would have never died then…Does that mean we ,like always, are pursuing something that we think will help ease out our future. But at the cost of our present???
I don’t know if it would make sense to you but what the hell , not everything is derived by logic…
Comments/Brickbats must.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Oh Shit, Not Again!!!!!
“Oh shit, Not Again!”
That’s the book that im reading these days…but I should have listened to people who say “you should never judge a book by its cover”.
But then again, it’s difficult to ignore a cover which ask you following questions :
Have you ever experienced what happens when a porn movie is mistakenly played in front of your grandma and the CD player refuses to stop?
Have you ever experienced what happens when a boy is kicked in the groin by a girl when he attempts to kiss her?
Have you ever experienced what happens when a college-going student has an affair with a married woman whose husband carts a gun?
Let’s complete this and then i would tell yall how it was
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What time is it!!??!!
I don’t think anyone knows…bt I have a certain time of the year when things go really wrong for me…it’s like anything I do (or not do), I end up being at the receiving end. Awful things start happening….like road accidents, injuries, fighting with friends, dead relatives..all sort of cranky things…so that’s when I try avoiding people, that’s when I try to stay alone(so as not to pick any unwanted fights)
All of this has been happening for last couple of years…normally its 2 months every year (November and December)..but looks like it happened a lil early this year (or maybe it’s just a heads up for what’s in store for me, or maybe its extended from 2 months to 4 months now)…. First I grow away from a very close friend, then I get my car fucked up and now being sick …its guess the time has come for me.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thunder comes to India!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
More Questions!
Have you ever wanted to be alone when noone was in the house?
Have you ever felt like doing nothing when all you have done the entire day was "NOTHING"?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Picture Perfect!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
OOO(Out of Office)
PS: Feels good to be home!!!!!!!Gonna drive to the mountains today...closer to nature...closer to where i belong
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mixed emotions!!!
A day full of emotions…a day where I didn’t knew how to react…cuz there were happy moments and sad moments too…and that too at the same time… It’s my friends Bday I was happy for was her called her at my midnight, at her midnight(she is in US) …spoke to her and she sounded happy…sounded just like the way anyone would at their bday…got my ‘revamped’ professional designation today…
Everything is fine if you don’t ask people as to what they got…but it’s practically impossible to do so …even if you don’t inquire, you still will get to know about what others have got…so a very good friend of mine got a band higher than me and even though I was happy for her, I felt a lil bad for myself…
Kept reminding myself …“Comparisons often cause unhappiness” ..but easier said than done…I was flushed…another heart break …
But me is me...can’t be sad for too long…im not sad’s just that im a lil disappointed, feel a lil let down …By the company ..cuz they talk about being a people friendly company, a transparent company, a impartial one
Anyways…congrats babe…for getting what you got…it was about time bask in the glory
And Happy Bday Girlfriend…many more to come…Go party!!!And dont forget to send me the pics...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Heart Broken
Im devastated, heartbroken and have been mourning since yday. The loss is irreplaceable. Things are going wrong…for my shoes..I have broken 2 shoes this year…two of my favorite ones…Jordan Retro series and And 1 shoes(my super favorite)…. I can’t seem to get over the fact that I won’t be able to play in them anymore L. Im depressed depressed that I cant concentrate on anything….
People who know me would know how crazy I am for sneakers and would know what this loss means to me.
Don’t sympathize with me….don’t tell me “ I know how it feels”… cuz you don’t…you know what..”RETAIL THERAPY” always works…be it a guy or a girl….it works…so if you want to help me, please order any of these for me L *makes a cute boo boo face* ..remember im US-15/UK-14 size.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The day that Never comes!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Main, Meri Patni ..aur bijli band !!!!!!

- Lush green farms and
- Children playing cricket
- There was no chemist shop in the close vicinity( so no using contraceptives)
- Sarpanch(Village head) himself had 9 kids...Talk about leading from the front
- Electricity Poles didnt had wires..story goes that wires were stolen
- The night never seemed so beautiful...i have never seen bigger stars in the sky..maybe cuz of lack of pollution
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Taking Stock~Talking Sock!!!!
I sometime wonder as to What is a more disgusting site…a guy wearing sagged socks(the ones which have a loose elastic) or a guy wearing NO socks with leather shoes???
I detest both these breed of people. Im sorry to say but we as in Indians still have to realize that socks are ALSO part of the dressing. A very important one for that matter.Ive seen gazillion guys wearing proper formals but when it comes to socks, they would make a complete fool out of themselves.
While some wear Black trousers, nice formal shirts.. GREEN socks…or shining BLUE socks or sporty ankle sock, others do it The other way round. They would wear formal socks with sports weird is that!!!! I know it’s a part of the clothing which is not quiet visible but that doesn’t mean you can wear anything or NOT wear anything. That’s stupidity.
It was the same case with undees sometime back. But now people treat their undees as if it’s a thing to show off…I guess in some more years socks will improve too.
I will try to click some pictures of such guys and maybe that will tell you what that means!!! ;)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Goodbye Guys!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My HERO!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hold on, Be Strong!!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Going Green!
But now when I look back, I feel good. I feel good that I had the determination. Feel food that I was strong enough to say “NO”.
Am I happy? Yes and no!! Yes cuz I came this far and NO cuz I feel that I am missing out on something J …the real test however would be when I go home.
How long is this going to go? I guess its gonna b like this for another 6 months…maybe after I complete a year, I won’t have the craving( I doubt that though!)
What Next!!???? Let’s just say that ive become a teetotaler from today(yea..Laugh all you want..will c u on 31st Dec ’09)…I wonder what im gonna go with 2 beers sitting in my fridge!!! Heard beer is a good conditioner….*sigh* if only I had hair on my head!!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Silent Killers
Thursday, June 18, 2009
~Writing on the Wall~
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Traces of Character!!
But coming back to passwords...are they as flashy as those id's? Personally ive had all kinds of passwords...from my best friends last name to my favourite basketball team (Pistons) to "butterchicken" to my home address and in between i even used 'qwerty' as my password....varied things/items/people. I discussed this with couple of my co-workers in office and got interesting remarks. One of them told me that her passwords are always based on a cartoon character. Other i know said she always uses word "sunny" in her passwords. I guess there are many things which tell about us. Perhaps when you get old, you can laugh about all these things.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Just a Word????
Like one of my friend said ...Its a Hard world.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Dream Realized
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Game Over
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Still Scribbling!!!
Is it the market slump(we, directly or indirectly, are affected by it) or is it the new work environment/people or is it the kind of work that ive been asked to do or is it my ignorance.
I donno man..i can go on and on and on….nobody would care…nobody does!!!! Cuz…. they say “It’s your life” ….. IS IT? :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Then the work, I mean im happy with the change, with the co. but not with people. It’s getting hard for me to decide who do i hate more...i-know-it-all guy or i-will-lick-my-bosses-ass guy. I think the latter will take the cake. While im at it, I would also like to extend my hatred to all those people who are working from client-side(the so called "onsite") and think that people in "offshore" are slaves. I mean come on don’t we have plans, don’t we like to party, don’t we need time to un-wind?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
STILL Thinking!!!!!!
Realizing that you have lived out half of ur life and havent achieved anything remarkable isnt a great feeling.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thinking out loud!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Gross !!!????? nah!!! Its called Power of Imagination!!!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My next Tattoo!!!
April Review!
- They say "Health is Wealth" first and foremost my resolution will be to a) maintain my weight in double digits this year and b) to get back to a moderate 36 inch waist line...maybe by end of Q2-09 --> The kgs are still in double digit, bt its the beer belly that im worried about. Long working hours arent helping either.
- To be a regular face @ the gym/Ball park -->Something which needs a lil attention i feel...from playing everyday to playing every alternate day to playing whenever i get time!?!?!?!?! Its gonna go down the drain unless i do something about it..hmmm
- To abstain myself from drinking BEER/RUMS/VODKA/AERIATED DRINKS...I guess that means i'll have to live on WHISKY and SCOTCH ;) --> It was a BAD BAD month...drank like a fish...Beer, Beer and more Beer...Need to turn down couple of invitations...or need to "not" drink on weekdays...or need to "not" go out and drink.
- To "not-to" feast on any food buffets this year --> This i feel is undercontrol...partially cuz of the weather...partially due to me being a vegetarian or in other words..not finding the buffets worth the money..hmmm..
- To try and be a vegetarian this year..-->4 months!!?!???? WOW!!!!!…i guess ive accepted myself as a vegetarian..wait till i go out for a party or something
- To do a lil more travelling, take a week off every quarter and visit all the nearest place or hill stations or explore new places locally. --> Nothing on this has been pretty boring.... I dont expect anything from May too. ..Again its a mix of being very Hot outside, not having a car and work pressures.
- To file for immigration this year. --> Did checked with coupla suggestions, need to visit couple of consultants.
- To finally buy a book and start preparing for GMAT and IAS services(both extremes i know) --> Nothing here too...too busy i guess...
- To, inshah-allah, continue my travelling streak abroad --> Is it gonna happen????
- To save some money and eventually bring my loan account down -->Have to take care of some other important/pressing things...will see how it goes..
- To try and be the same energetic and enthusiastic person that i was coupla years back. --> On track
- To "not-to" forget birthdays this year and make sure that atleats a call/text is made/sent---> Was a good month...i AM social again :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Scary Thought!!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sufi Rock
I’m sure all of you would have heard some kind of Sufi song in your life. Different people have different meaning and understanding of what Sufi songs are. To some they are the songs who talk about GOD and his love. To some its something which talks about GOD and love. To me its something which you can hear or sing for both GOD and your beloved. You can use the same lyrics to praise/please your GOD or your lover. To me that’s the magnum opus in writing.
For example: Lagi tumse man ki lagan or Sanson ki mala pe , simroon main pee ka naam or Teri Diwani….
I guess being an Indian and knowing both languages i.e. Hindi and Punjabi helps me a great deal when it comes to finding this connection.
But I was pleasantly surprised when it came to English songs. The so called ROCK Legends have done the same. Well atleast to me it fits the bill of Sufi Song :)
And the song in question here is “Nothing else matters” by Metallica. The name itself tells you a gr8 deal about the song and then the following lyrics.
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters